We are specialised in marble manufacturing and our family has been in the profession for generations.

Maestri scalpellini 1800 marmo valtiberina marmi



We still apply the principles the Tuscan stonemasons taught us in the XIX century.





Arte e Cultura - Gianfranco Giorni - Galleria Turelli - Terme Tettuccio - Montecatini Terme

La Temperanza (Temperance) -  Created by Valtiberina Marmi on a sketch by the Artist and Sculptor Gianfranco Giorni

Height 190cm - White Marble 

The Statue is installed in the beautiful setting of Tettuccio Terms in Montecatini Terme at Turelli Art Gallery.



The Statue is ON SALE. For Informations please contact Turelli Gallery (Galleria Turelli)

Viale Verdi 71, interno Stabilimento Tettuccio 
51016 Montecatini Terme  

Tel  : 0572 75354


Art & Sculpture - Chess

These exceptional marble chess were drawn by Maestro Franco Alessandrini and manufactured in our laboratory.

Splendidi scacchi artistici realizzati dal Maestro Franco Alessandrini per Valtiberina Marmi Splendidi scacchi artistici realizzati dal Maestro Franco Alessandrini per Valtiberina Marmi

 Splendidi scacchi artistici realizzati dal Maestro Franco Alessandrini per Valtiberina Marmi Splendidi scacchi artistici realizzati dal Maestro Franco Alessandrini per Valtiberina Marmi  

Click here to see the details..

We make the following type of products for the national and international market, using only top-quality material::


  • Garden furniture
  • Urban furniture
  • Funeral art
  • Wash basins
  • Balustrades
  • Columns for capitals
  • Fireplaces
  • Inlays
  • Mosaics
  • Floors and coverings
  • Profiles
  • Stairs
  • Tables
  • Bathroom worktops
  • Kitchen worktops



and any artistic manufacturing (including hand-made ones).


Valtiberina Marmi and the Artist Gianfranco Giorni

Statua in Statuario -La Temperanza di Gianfranco Giorni

   "La Temperanza"

by Gianfranco Giorni

Here you can find other artworks of the artist Gianfranco Giorni

      Statue in pietra e marmo Statue in pietra e marmo Statue in pietra e marmo Statue in pietra e marmo Statue in pietra e marmo

Valtiberina Marmi and Francesco Puletti

An exceptional collaboration with the embosser Francesco  Puletti gives life to this bust of San Donato that will be kept at the Church of Santa Maria della Pieve in Arezzo.



Presenting the new 6 axys CNC

Manufacturing of Italian marble, artistic and made to measure, since 1991